Want to know the salary of a Certified Nursing Assistant?
Everybody wants to earn a lot of money. But different people choose different path for this. People who wish to choose Certified Nursing Assistant as a career may be curious to know the salary in this field. A CNA earns a good amount of salary and besides that, a CNA also gets various other benefits from this job. But what they must know is how much money a CNA can make, and how much other benefits they get, greatly varies.
First of all, you must know that a Certified Nursing Assistant can work in different working environments. For example, a CNA may work in local healthcare facilities hospitals, clinics elderly care facilities, etc or even at homes of elderly people as personal aides. The place where a CNA works influences the salary he or she may earn. For example, a CNA who works as a personal aide has a different salary than a CNA who works at a nursing home. The type of employment a CNA seeks will often determine the amount of money the CNA will earn per hour.
Often times CNAs working at hospitals tend to earn more than the CNAs working at nursing homes or as personal aides at homes. In a hospital, one can earn about $13-$20 per hour. Also, hospitals tend to have others benefits as well. On the other hand, CNAs who work at elderly care facilities tend to earn around $12-$14 per hour. And other benefits may or may not be available. So, the salary of a certified nursing assistant varies according to the working environment.
The other factor that influences the salary of a certified nursing assistant is the experience. The more experienced a CNA is, the more salary he or she earns. Similarly, the salary of a CNA can also depend on where in the United States the CNA works. A CNA working in New York City tends to earn more than a CNA working in Nevada. So, the certified nursing assistant salary can vary on various factors but generally ranges between $20,000 and $30,000 per year.
Know all about the CNA salary
Because the nursing career is growing globally, and there is always demand of a CNA, a CNA is a good career path to choose from. If you’re one of those people who are opting CNA as a career then you must be wondering how much a CNA could earn. Well, the salary a CNA earns greatly varies from the place to place and depends on the type of medical facility he or she is working in. And besides the salary, a CNA also has other appreciable amount of benefits from this career.
The CNA salary depends upon various factors. Some of those factors which influence the salary of a CNA are experience, field and working conditions. However the average salary of a CNA can range from $15,000 to $30000 per year. How much money can a CNA make depends upon the above mentioned factors. For example, a CNA working in a nursing home shall earn more than a person working as a home aide. Similarly, a CNA working in an urban area like Florida can earn more than a CNA working in a remote location. The salary of a CNA can also vary depending upon the experience. An experienced CNA shall definitely earn more than a naive CNA. Moreover, the salary of a CNA can vary according to the medical facilities the CNA is working with. CNA can work at various medical facilities like nursing homes, hospice care agencies, and elderly healthcare homes. Different healthcare facilities have different pay structures. Thus, a CNA cannot expect a fixed salary to earn. However, depending upon the above mentioned factors, a CNA can expect a yearly income in between $15,000 to $ 30,000.