Easy Description of a CNA Job

A CNA may have to do various kinds of duties during the course of work. Mentioned below are the basic CNA job descriptions:

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CNA's job


  1. CNA basically help the nursing staff in admitting, transferring and discharging the patients. They may also be required to assist the nursing staff in required documentations.
  2. A CNA takes care of all hygiene needs of the patient as soon as he or she is admitted to a medical facility. In this regard, the duties may include feeding the patient in schedule, checking vital signs and symptoms, reporting a nurse or physician, and also ambulating. Along with the patient’s hygiene, the nursing assistant is also required to look after the beddings and bathing of the patients and also maintain the surrounding area of the patient clean.
  3. Along with physical care to the patient, a CNA is also required to provide emotional support to the patient. Since CNA come into more contact with the patient than any other medical officer, they can provide social and emotional support and care to the patient.
  4. Apart from the tasks mentioned above, a nursing assistant also requires having a number of skills    and qualification to perform his/her task properly. A valid CNA certificate is required before being allowed to work. They must also have good communication skills to interact well with the patients. Along with these, they are also expected to have a good command of English.
  5. The CNA must be ready to work in any kind of conditions. A nursing assistant may be required to move or lift patients. They also have higher susceptibility to communicable diseases and harmful chemicals during the course of work. Besides that, the work schedule may be abnormal. As a nursing assistant, they do not have a fixed working schedule each day like a 9 to 5 job. Instead their shifts may include any time of day and at most medical facilities, their shifts keep on changing every week.

Thus, a CNA has a wide range of tasks in a medical facility. However, above are the basic job description of a CNA .


Writing a resume for a Nursing Assistant Job

As we all know that the first impression is the last impression, it’s better to prepare a quality and standard resume which can attract the eyes of the interviewer. A resume reflects and represents the impression of your qualifications and skills. Thus it is the medium that has the potential to provide you the job if you strictly know the rules and ideas to write a quality resume. Here I am going to explain the writing tricks for a resume for a nursing assistant job.

  • Writing basic information

Basic information includes your first and last name, temporary and permanent address, telephone number and your email address. Just remember that basic information must always be written at the top of the resume.

  • Writing Objective

Objective should be eye catching-it means it must be powerful enough to compel the employers to call you for an interview. You must let them know your potentials and your values through objective. Your objective should clearly reflect the ways in which you could be useful to them. It will make them believe that you’re the right person for a nursing assistant job.

  • Writing educational experiences

Write briefly in table the name of the school/college, degree you received and the year you passed out from there.

  • Writing work experiences

You might have done a few jobs before applying for a nursing assistant job. List all of them and highlight your skills and responsibilities to let them know how much valuable and useful you can be for them.

  • Including relevant experiences

Your previous job of assistant accountant won’t value as much as your experience in health-care industry working as a primary care provider, home health aide etc because you are applying for a nurse assistant job. So, don’t forget to include such affiliations works which relates to your targeted job.

  • Writing references

Some people just write the references below the resume. However you can make references available on request and always be prepared to show them all your references when requested.

How to become a CNA – 5 best steps