Do you want to become a CNA? Here is How you can.

CNA stands for Certified Nursing Assistant. This is a job performed under the supervision of a registered nurse and is a type of assistance. Many people like to be one but do not know how to become a CNA. Here is a gist of information regarding what and why you should join the same.

Sometimes this job can bring you satisfaction as much as a Bachelor’s Degree in hand. It all depends how well dedicated you are in providing help to the patients and the needy. Needless to say, this is one field that gives you emotional satisfaction and financial remuneration at the same time.

To start on with making a career as a CNA, it is required that you get your GED or a high school diploma first. Next you must join a community college or a university for a CNA certification program. The program is a 6– 12 weeks of courses incorporating health and hygiene, nutrition, anatomy and basic nursing skills. Now when you are done with all the basic courses, you are obliged to pass a state exam to be a certified nurse and start working.

A good resume is a necessity and prepare well enough for an interview for working in hospitals, nursing homes and mental hospitals or in private homes as well. A CNA job can start off with a salary from $20000 to as much as $50000 depending upon the level of experience and the skills you have developed through out your career.

You should know that health care is ever increasing in its demand. So, a CNA is always a secure job. Thus, it’s no time to get entangled into a question like how to become a CNA or why should I join it. It’s time to hit it.Read 5 steps on How to Become A CNA.

Getting a free CNA training

Paying for CNA training can be hard for many people. If so, then they must be careful in finding and applying for free CNA training programs. CNA training often cost much because of the various trainings that the course consists such as CPR training, stethoscope, scrubs and other related clinical training costs. All these costs sum up to make a huge sticker price and so it’s very difficult to get a free CNA training program. But this does not mean that there are no free CNA trainings available out there.

Receiving financial aid from the government is one of the best ways to fund your CNA training and for this unemployment is required. The US government offers educational funding to students and also pays students for their unemployment while they attend CNA classes.

Another available option for getting free CNA training classes through government’s fund is by joining community colleges. In the US, most community colleges offer CNA training classes and among those community colleges, all have government funded financial aid available for students. If the student’s family income is less than $25000, or he/she is a veteran or has children, then the student has a good shot of getting free CNA classes through government’s fund in form of grants.

Another way of getting funded for the CNA classes is by joining a nursing home. In the US, there are many nursing homes that prepare students for CNA training and examination for free of cost. Since nursing homes run on donations and are nonprofit organizations, they do not expect students to pay for their education. But they do sign a contract with the students to get the pay back in the form of service for a certain period of time.

At last but not the least, you can call local medical facilities, elderly care facilities, and even the CNA training programs and inquire to know if any kind of funding, grant or internships are available that would sponsor CNA training for a student. Although it’s a tiring job, it is worth a shot.