Learn how to become a successful CNA

CNA or Certified Nursing Assistants are needed to work in hospitals, clinic and other health care facilities. In order to work as a licensed CNA, you have to go through several procedures. Now, you might be wondering how to become a CNA. Here are the basic steps, following which, you can become a CNA:

1)      First of all, find good CNA classes being offered at any institution. Often, the classes are run by local hospitals, Red Cross regional branches, and even community colleges. Be careful in joining any institution for your CNA classes.

2)      During the course of study of CNA, be a hard working student and prepare well for all the classes and exams. It always pays you to be a good student and have a good knowledge on your subject of career. It is important to pass the CNA exam with good grades to get hold of a job in the market.

3)      After finishing the CNA training classes, prepare well for the CNA exams. CNA exams are administered by states and CNA are required to have passes this exam before going out in the market to work. The course requirements might be different for different states, so be careful to know the syllabus of the CNA exam for the state you are applying. For this, take the CNA classes seriously and make yourself ready for the exam by practicing sample tests.

4)      After successfully completing your exam, compile an attractive resume that will help you get into an organization. While building your resume, make sure you highlight your CNA experiences, certification, and other volunteering or community service experience. You can also include any award or recognition you might have achieved. You can always look for ways to write sample resumes on the internet.

5)      After you apply for a job and get shortlisted, prepare yourself for an interview. Employers will always be looking for an array of characteristics. Prepare well ahead for your interview and try to best present yourself to the employer.

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There are no hard and fast rules to become a successful CNA. But following the above mentioned basic steps will definitely help you become a successful CNA.


Basics of How to Become A CNA

The concept of good health and hygiene is getting more intense day by day. This can be one great booster for all those who want to become a CNA and make a career into it. Let’s discuss upon how to become a CNA and make a good start into the same.

What is a CNA?

A CNA is not a professional and just assistance to the registered nurse in a hospital or a nursing home. A certified nursing assistant does all the direct care taking of the patients like helping the patients to bath, exercise, and dress up and, even serve meals and make beds at times. Likewise they have to take care for the vital physical signs of the patients like the temperature, blood pressure respiration etc. in broader sense and CNA has to take both the physical and emotional well being of the patients and not all can do this.

CNA requisites

The first thing a CNA achiever has to do is to get his/her GED or the high school diploma. Next is to get a Certified Nursing Assistant certificate program which is a 6-12 weeks of course and is offered by a university, community colleges and also the online courses. This program includes at least 75 hours of theoretical education followed by 16 hours of medical practice in hospitals and health care institutes. Most states take an exam to provide a certification like this.

Scope as a CNA

For those who are still searching on how to become a CNA must know that the job of a CNA can give you both the emotional and financial satisfaction. Needless to say, the job of personnel as a medical practitioner is more secure that any other jobs these days. The statistic suggests that the employment of the nursing assistants has been increasing by 18% since 2006.

What are you offered for a service as a CNA?

A CNA job can generate an income ranging from $25000 to $30000 initially to as much as $50000. As a CNA, you are serving the society as well. This is one thing that other jobs cannot compete.